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KAMLife is Nationally Accredited to give CEU’s/CEC’s on a variety of topics for several organizations that include:  National Council for Certified Personal Trainers (NCCPT), National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF), National Academy of Sports Medicine, (NASM), American Council on Exercise, (ACE), Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). National Strength Professionals Association (NSPA).


CPT Workshop for NASM & ACE @ In a City Near Your, Please contact if you are interested in Hosting a Workshop
CPT Workshop for NASM & ACE @ In a City Near Your, Please contact if you are interested in Hosting a Workshop
Our CPT Workshops are usually 3-Day Workshops. Consisting of Friday (Optional), Saturday, and Sunday. Our Optional Fridays are usually designed for our Anatomy and Physiology reviews for all students who are looking for a refresher lesson.
Interested in Hosting, please email KAM
NCCPT Personal Trainer School


NCCPT Personal Trainer School 

(The National Council for Certified Personal Trainers) Personal Training Workshop.


The NCCPT has been certifying health and fitness professionals for over 20 years.  The NCCPT-CPT credential is nationally accredited by the NCCA, whereby we provide students with tools and the materials needed to pass the board-certified exam. This weekend workshop comes in a 2 & 3-day format to assist the student in preparation for their exam.  Subject matter includes:  Anatomy and biomechanics review, applied physiology and kinesiology concepts, cardiovascular health, exercise prescription, general and sports nutrition, strength training principles and methodologies, and program design & ethics training.  One Test voucher is included for this workshop. KAMLife has been an approved provider for NCCPT since 2014.  

NCSF Personal Trainer School 

(The National Council on Strength and Fitness) Personal Training Workshops:

Recognized throughout the Fitness industry as one of the premier personal training certifications around the world.  The NCSF mission is to establish, assess, and promote qualification standards for exercise professionals around the world through continued efforts of high-level professionalism, competence, and ethical practice, to best serve the public interest and safety. 


This course is broken down into 25 and 32-hour formats, which can expand over 1 or 2-weekend formats. (3 or 6-day formats). A test voucher is included with this workshop. Over 1,000 exam centers operating in 83 countries are available.   KAMLife has been an approved provider for NCSF since 2015.  

Lower Crossed Syndrome

Understanding joint capabilities and functionality, in terms of range of motion (ROM) and flexibility in the human body is imperative for personal trainers. Learning to deal with a diverse clientele base, including varied genetic characteristics and habitual patterns in today’s sedentary lifestyle is unique in understanding individuals’ muscle imbalances and core musculature. This course has been developed to help trainers redefine specific ROM of major joints in the body, in particularly, associated with lower crossed syndrome. Neutral pelvic position is achieved via opposing force couple relationships that attached to the pelvis. With this information, lecture & practical discussion will be based on assessing the flexibility, strength, and muscular imbalances associated with the pelvic girdle and the importance of lower back maintenance and core stabilization.

Upper Crossed Syndrome 

Integration of muscles, bones, joints, and tendons are paramount for neuromuscular movement and growth.  Our bodies rarely ever work in isolation but instead work synergistically together to produce movement.  The human body on a daily basis deals with opposing, directional, & contralateral pulls to achieve efficient movement.  This course is defined to redefine these force-couple relationships, in terms of range of motion and muscle imbalances.  Lecture and practical discussion will be based on assessing the cervical, upper thoracic, and core musculature associated with upper crossed syndrome.  With the increased influx of technology and sedentary living in today’s society, it is important for trainers to re-instill the values of maintaining core stability throughout the core musculature of the human body to their clients for optimal neuromuscular efficiency. 

Nutrition and Weight Management


This course gives the trainer/student an overall understanding about the basics of Nutrition and the physiology of the body during digestion and thermogenesis. Also, current trends in Nutrition and Health and FDA and RDA guidelines.

Topics Include:

  • ** Direct/Indirect Colorimetry

  • ** Metabolic Equations


  • ** Complex vs Simple Carbs

  • ** Glycemic Index

  • ** Complete vs. Incomplete proteins

  • ** Saturated vs Unsaturated Fats

  • ** The importance of Fiber

  • ** The Role water plays in the body and Digestion

  • ** Current FDA and RDA guidelines and more

All 3 module courses(Nutrition and Weight Management, Optimal Nutrition, and Nutrition and Longevity) will give you a better understanding of Nutrition and Wellness. An exam will be accompanied with each and every course, eventually qualifying you as a level 1, 11, 111 weight management specialist through NSPA.

Optimal Nutrition for the Optimal Athlete


In this 2nd module, “Optimal Nutrition”, we continue on the discussion of the importance of nutrition and weight management. In this course we start to learn more towards the advanced client and/or athlete, who is really trying to take their body to the next level. For adult workout enthusiasts to the athletes who train at the highschool level and beyond, there are certain needs that have to be met to continue to stay at or near a competitive level.

Topics include:

  • ** Review of all concepts of Module 1

  • ** High Performance Carbs vs. Fibrous Carbs.

  • ** Insulin sensitivity

  • ** Insulin spiking

  • ** Complete vs. Incomplete proteins

  • ** Healthy Fats for metabolizing stored Fat

  • ** Pre and Post meal requirements

  • ** The Role of Amino Acids and lean mass production

  • ** Food labeling and Hidden Agendas

All 3 module courses(Nutrition and Weight Management, Optimal Nutrition, and Nutrition and Longevity) will give you a better understanding of Nutrition and Wellness. 

An exam will be accompanied with each and every course, eventually qualifying you as a level 1, 11, 111 weight management specialist through NSPA.

Nutrition for Longevity


The Last module “Nutrition and Longevity” takes a step back and focuses more on the special population groups, including working with the elderly, and children, as well as young aspiring athletes. We discuss needs for the elderly as their bodies mature physically and ware and tear become the norm. For the children, we uncover certain myths and determine ideals for young aspiring athletes and growing children.

Topics Include:

  • ** Review concepts from Part I and Part II modules

  • ** The most important muscle (Heart)

  • ** Arthritis and Chronic conditions, Such as CAD, PAD, and Diabetes.

  • ** Nutritional needs for adolescents as they are entering into high school sports.

  • ** General recommendations vs. Sports Specific needs

  • ** Special needs for female athletes during menstruation and menopause

  • ** Peer pressure and social physique anxiety

  • ** Psychological aspects of fitness and sport




HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)


Get Shredded by Burning Fat and Building Muscle: High Intensity Interval Training is a training technique in which you give all out, 100% effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time. A HIIT workout increases the body's need for oxygen during the effort and creates an oxygen shortage causing your body to ask for more oxygen during recovery. HIIT workouts provide improved athletic capacity and conditioning, improved glucose metabolism and improved fat burning. Broken down into 60-90 minute lecture, and 1 hr. of demonstration and 2 hrs. of practical application for students. Students will learn HIT techniques using various modalities such as the ball, resist-a-ball , etc.

Cardiovascular Conditioning

  • Muscle Fiber and Make-Up

  • Aerobic vs. Anaerobic

  • Energy Systems

  • Practical Work with Treadmills and various dynamics

  • RPM vs. Mets.

  • Dynamic vs. Static Stretch

  • PNF Stretching

Assessment and Program Design


The premise with these classes is to teach Proper Progressive Overload using a variety of techniques and formats designed to balance the overall progression of the client.   The classes focus on development, planning and implementation of programs using various modalities and Advanced Overload Techniques.


  • Baseline & Advanced Assessments

  • Functional Screening (FMS)

  • Various Format Protocols for General to Sports Specific Clients

Program Design

  • Program Design for Sedentary to Elite Clients

  • Nutritional Guidelines for Optimal Performance

  • Periodization & Advanced Programming

Stretch for Success


One of the 5 major components of Fitness, but also, a lost art in the training world, is the concept & application of Flexibility training. “The Stretch for Success” class is designed to not only rediscover some of these lost principles, but also redefine the importance of why flexibility training is one of the major components of fitness. With this course, we will address various techniques that can be used for a variety of training protocols, including pre & post workout, injury prevention, and performance enhancement. This course will help redefine your training technique, as well as provide reassurance for your client.

How to Influence People to Buy Personal Training


Are you having a tough time instilling the passion into your client that lies within you? This course will provide trainers the right tools to help sell personal training to prospective clients by uncovering their specific needs and goals while building a rapport with the client. And then close the deal! We will discuss marketing strategies and innovative techniques that will help you gain new clients and retain existing clients. A must for all present and aspiring Certified Personal Trainers.

How Core Aware are You?


Learn about the skeletal system, the nervous system, posture and muscle imbalances, lumbar risks, progression in core strengthening, and exercises for improved core strength.

Put this all together and you will be Core Aware! Take new exercises and a deeper understanding of why core strength is so important back to your clients! They will love you for bringing them new ab exercises!!!


NCSF Personal Trainer School
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